Playing this WAY EARLY demo:

Update: Trashbot must be activated! Can you get to the Bot Lab and boot him up without getting slimed? Find the lab and press UP against the terminal inside until the boot progress bar reaches full...

Update: door and wall collision progress ... run for the doors if you get chased by an octo.

Update: CRT filter is off by default, ']' to activate

WASD or Arrows to move
Z, X, or Space to shoot
R - robot stay, T - robot patrol, Y (hold) - robot come hither! (I know this is junky, I'll have a nice interface for the Trashbot at some point.)
M toggles music
A fullscreen button is provided at the bottom left corner of the page. I recommend it. As well as:
']' toggles a lovely scanline filter. (Not as lovely as the desktop version filter, but I'm working on it.)

Blobs will turn red for a few seconds if you shoot them. If you step on blobs while they're red, they squish. If they turn back to green, they split into two blobs. Don't step on green blobs. Unless you like that kind of thing.

Reload the page to restart the game if you die.

If something jumps on your head, you can shake it off by quickly hitting the left and right keys alternately (flip back and forth). Quickly.

Your laz gun overheats if you go nuts with it, but it cools down quickly. Laz heat is shown on the bottom left. The gauge is currently backwards ... so, full red currently means cool. I just now realized this.

If you get gunky, try out the de-sliming shower on level three. Your current slime level is shown as a green bar on the bottom right.

Doors don't block the aliens yet.

Other than provide emotional support, Trashbot doesn't do much but follow and stay, for now. They're really quite annoying. In the future, they will do many things.

(Yes, I've played and love Xenophobe. Yes, this game was inspired by Xenophobe. Yes, I agree, this would be a cool multiplayer game, like Xenophobe ... if you'd like to continue this conversation, or start a new one about retro gaming and game dev, meet me on Mastodon at!)

The awesome background image is generated by this cool space station image creator by Norma2D:

Coming Soon:

Coming soon.

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Development log


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How do I restart after getting a game over?